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  • Writer's pictureKristina M Glick

Life Lately

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! I'm finally getting to post a blog post on my new site. You may expect a variety of posts here that usually include some photography.. Personal life, client gallery sneakpeaks, and more. Here are a few snapshots of life in the last two months. Wow, it is June already! Didn't spring just get here?!

Gardening time

My sister and I are sharing a garden this year. Our dear parents came out to help.

Ah it is always so good to see spring arrive!

This is an awkward photo (as far as the rules of photography go) but I love it because it shows the true emotion of the moment.. this is the faces of these girls when they see each other. They love each other so much!

Spontaneous tea party in the field because I was itching to shoot. They loved it.

Getting our sweet potatoes ready to plant.

Our peas coming up along with lots of grass! We have beautiful dirt in the garden but also lot of grass as we weren't able to till the ground until this spring right before we planted.


My budding photographer

Mother's Day photos

We celebrated our baby's birthday this month.

These beeswax candles were so fun to make! Usually I like to make the cake as well, but this year I decided not to take that upon myself and ordered one from a local bakery instead. It was so yummy!

And then it was finally time to eat it! From the moment we picked up the cake, she wanted to have some!

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